Issue details

24/00116 - The future of library provision in Folkestone town centre

Proposed decision:


-      To consider and note the outcome of the public consultation exercise

-      To confirm the options that will not progress and those that will be further explored relating to the town centre Folkestone Library and Registration Service

-      To confirm the nature of the temporary library and Registration provision in Folkestone town centre which will remain in place until a permanent provision is reinstated

-      To confirm the next steps associated with the options to be further explored, including those relating to future of the Grace Hill building.

-      To delegate necessary authority to relevant Directors for Growth and Communities and Infrastructure ,in liaison with  the Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory services and The Deputy Leader  and Cabinet Member Finance, Corporate and Traded Services , to implement the decision as necessary from a service and property perspective.


Reason for the decision


-      A Key decision is needed to confirm which of the options outlined in the consultation will be the subject of more detailed exploration to determine the next steps in relation to the future of the Grace Hill building and the future location of a town centre Folkestone Library and Registration Service. The decision will also confirm which options have been discounted. 

-      A further key decision will be sought once this further exploration is completed.

-      Due to the condition of the Grace Hill building and KCC’s financial position and the limitations on property maintenance budgets, Folkestone Library has been temporarily closed since December 2022 

-      An 8-week public consultation has been completed.

-      Once all relevant information has been compiled it is necessary for the Cabinet Member to take a decision on the future of Folkestone Library and Registration Service in Folkestone town centre and to delegate necessary authority to officers to implement this decision.

-      This will provide clarity on the Council’s intentions for where Folkestone Library and Registration Service will be delivered from within Folkestone town centre.

-      The decision will include the appropriate delegation to implement any decision including the property aspects  


Background – Provide brief additional context


-      The Libraries, Registration and Archives Service (LRA) is a statutory and highly valued public service delivered through a network of 99 libraries, five register offices; five mobile libraries, an archive centre, the stock distribution and support function building at Quarrywood, the information service - ‘Ask a Kent Librarian’ as well as the 24-hour accessible online services.

-      Folkestone Library is part of Kent’s statutory library service.

-      The temporary closure of the Grace Hill building in December 2022 was on the basis of health and safety grounds. The poor condition of the Grace Hill building has been exacerbated by the listed nature of its construction which has led to complexities to complete pro-active maintenance.

-      The repairs needed to reopen Folkestone Library in the Grace Hill building are now estimated to cost in the region of £2.9 million. This figure was compiled by a KCC surveyor in April 2024.KCC remains under significant financial pressure.

-      The building is listed as an Asset of Community Value under the Localism Act 2011.


Options considered as part of the consultation


At the time of the public consultation KCC put forward a preferred option that the Library and Registration Service permanently move out of the Grace Hill building and that it move to a new high street location with the FOLCA project the preferred option, subject to further discussions with Folkestone and Hythe District Council, or an alternative town centre location.


-      Below is a list of all other options outlined in the consultation;

o   Continue with temporary provision permanently and exit the  Grace Hill building.

o   Make repairs to the Grace Hill building, re-open Folkestone Library and co-locate with other services.

o   Relocate full library service to another existing KCC building.

o   Sell and then lease back part of the building.

o   Move service to an alternative leasehold site

How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026


-      Consideration will be given to ensure we are meeting KCC’s statutory duties

-      Supporting Net Zero has will be a consideration


How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kent’s Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf


-      Financial factors are a key consideration of the decision

-      Consideration will need to be given to whether the decision is compliant with the Strategic Statement in the context of the significant financial challenges that the Council is facing.

-      Best Value considerations will be taken into account.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/12/2024

Decision due: Not before 22nd Jan 2025 by Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services
Reason: To allow 28 day notice period required under Executive Decision regulations

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services

Lead director: Stephanie Holt-Castle

Department: Growth, Environment & Transport

Contact: James Pearson, Head of Libraries Registration and Archives Email: Email:


Public Consultation:

An 8-week public consultation has been undertaken. All the material that supported this consultation can be viewed at The full report will be published from the consultation on our website and will accompany the full decision paperwork.


Cabinet Committees consultation:


Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee on 22nd January 2025.



Financial implications: The £2.9 million estimated costs are simply to repair the building. In the consultation document KCC explained that it did not believe spending £2.9m on repairing just one building is justifiable or responsible. Cost implications of various options considered are outlined in the Folkestone Library consultation document The Best Value Duty is a statutory requirement for local authorities under Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1999. The financial context of the Council remains challenging, and any decision will be taken in light of both the capital and revenue financial position in determining the best value solution.

Legal implications: Public consultation has taken place in respect of the proposed option for the service and the Grace Hill building. KCC must give conscientious consideration to the consultation responses and must also consider the EQIA. Dependent on the decision taken, KCC will need to engage suitably qualified legal support to assist with implementation of the decision. This will be arranged through KCC’s Office of General Counsel. Local authorities have a statutory duty under the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 ‘to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service’ for all those who live, work or study in the area.

Equalities implications: Equalities implications: An EqIA has been undertaken for this project which has been updated post the public consultation. This EqIA will continue to be updated as necessary once a decision has been taken. Data Protection implications: A DPIA is not required for this decision.
