Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Denise Fitch (01622) 694269
No. | Item |
Minutes - 15 September 2011 PDF 114 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 15 September 2011 are correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Portfolio Holder and Corporate Directors update PDF 62 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (1) In the absence of Mr Hill, who was unwell, Ms Honey updated Members on the issues listed in the paper circulated with the agenda and answered questions from Members.
Matt Burrows, the new Director of Communications & Engagement (2) Ms Honey informed the Committee that Mr Burrows, who was currently Head of Communications at Croydon Council, would be taking up the post of Director of Communications and Engagement on 1 December 2011.
Update about the restructures taking place in Customer Services and Service Improvement Divisions
(3) Ms Honey stated that consultations had recently started to reshape the Customer Services and Service Improvement Divisions. All Members had been informed. Staff would be informed next week about how this was going to be taken forward. The intention was to have the Head of Service appointed by Christmas and the new structure in place early next year.
Localism – update (4) Ms Honey drew attention to the Localism Act 2011 which had received royal assent on 14 November 2011. This was the biggest transfer of power to local government in a generation.
(5) In relation to Locality Boards, Ms Honey informed Members that there had been meetings of Locality Boards in five District/Borough areas. It was intended that by April 2012 a further two Locality Boards would have met. Work was continuing with Districts/Boroughs around the shape of their Locality Board arrangements as there was not a one size fits all. It was intended to create a sharepoint arrangement for Members and Directors to share information on Locality Boards.
Launch of South East Dance : 27 September 2011 (6) Ms Honey stated that the directorate were working with Hextable School regarding their amazing dance facilities.
Regeneration and Renewal Awards Ceremony : 29 September 2011
(7) Regarding the Regeneration and Renewal Awards Ceremony, Ms Honey stated that she had attended the award ceremony with Mr Hill and Mr Carter. The Turner Contemporary had received an award for the best use of Arts and Culture in regeneration.
Gravesend Library Reopening : 4 October 2011
(8) Ms Honey reported the official reopening of Gravesend Library.
Marlowe Theatre Opening : 4 October 2011 (9) Ms Honey referred to the opening of the Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury and commended the achievement by Canterbury City Council. Ashford Gateway Launch - 7 October 2011 (10) Ms Honey mentioned the successful launch of the Ashford Gateway, which was becoming a great community facility. Joint visit with Chief Constable to Rotterdam
(11) Ms Honey reported on the visit to Rotterdam that Mr Hill had made with the Chief Constable, it had been a successful visit and they had seen some interesting technology which it may be possible to use in Gateways.
Cyclopark.- Gravesend
(12) Mr Sandhu reported that he had attended the BMX southern region league event held at the Cyclopark. This had been a very successful event attended by 1600 participants and their families. This had been used as an opportunity to test the facility for this type of event ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
Customer Services Strategy PDF 69 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Ms Kendal gave a PowerPoint presentation to introduce the draft Customer Services Strategy. The Strategy was presented to the Committee as part of the consultation process ahead of formal Member approval. This Strategy is a critical element of the Council’s strategy map that will underpin the transition from organisation-centric to citizen-centric public services, and crucial for delivery of the Bold Steps ambitions.
(2) Ms Kendal answered questions and noted comments from Members which included the following:-
(3) RESOLVED that the Committee’s comments on the Customer Service Strategy be noted
Delivering Sustainable Libraries PDF 90 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Ms Honey and Ms Anley introduced a report which outlined the approach being developed to deliver sustainable library services for the future.
(2) Ms Honey and Ms Anley answered questions and noted comments from Members which included the following:-
· Ms Anley emphasised that the use of volunteers was only one of a range of models, which could work in specific types of communities. She gave the example of Sandgate Library which shared premises and staff cost with the Parish Council. · A Member asked what would happen if the local people did not want a library to close but no one came forward with a plan to keep it open. Ms Anley confirmed that local need and demand would be taken into consideration. · A Member emphasised the importance of Local Members factoring in future growth when considering library provision for their area. · In response to a question on mitigating the risk of judicial reviews, Ms Anley stated that the public was not a cohesive body and it only took one individual to raise a judicial review, therefore it was essential that the process for reaching decisions on libraries was defensible. · Ms Anley confirmed that the lack of a self service system, did not make it more likely that a library would close, she explained that the selection of libraries for self service was based on financial ... view the full minutes text for item 31. |
Kent Big Society Fund Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Ms Honey gave a verbal update on the current situation regarding the Kent Big Society Fund. She stated that there would be a written report to the January meeting of the Committee when by which time there would be a firm proposal. She stated that good progress was being made and expressed her gratitude to her colleagues in Business Strategy for the work that they had carried out. She referred to the work with the Kent Community Foundation, a professional provider, who would operate the fund on behalf of the County Council. The priority areas for the Big Society Fund were about growing social enterprises across Kent, developing new social ventures and supporting existing social enterprises in Kent with a focus on jobs and growing the economy, especially relating to youth unemployment.
(2) Ms Honey explained that it was intended that this fund would be recyclable, in order to maximise its value, also consideration would be given to other organisations and funds to leaver in other resources. There had been a lot of discussion about the level of the loan and work was still being carried out on this. It was hoped to have a soft launch in December 2011 and a full launch in January 2012.
(3) Ms Honey confirmed that the intention was to give unsecured loans to social enterprises who were not able to get funding from any other source. The Kent Community Foundation would carry out the due diligence checks.
(4) Ms Honey stated that proposals from organisations who wanted to take on council services, for example youth centres and libraries, would be considered for a loan from this fund.
(5) RESOLVED that the update be noted and a full report be submitted to the January meeting of the Committee.
Budget 2012/13 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2012/13 to 2013/14 PDF 159 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Mr Tilson introduced a report which identified the latest forecasts for next year’s budget and the financial plans for the following years. This included an analysis of the overall financial outlook for the whole council, appraisal of the existing plans for 2012/13, an update on the budget pressures facing the Customer & Communities portfolio and recommendations from the Informal Member Group on areas for budget savings, the latter being presented by the Chairman.
(2) The Chairman referred to the meetings of the IMG on the Budget. Due to low attendance it had been difficult to make recommendations. However what did emerge was that Mr Hill and Ms Honey had already made substantial saving over the previous few years and therefore it came down to Members thinking about which areas they wished to prioritise The Chairman invited Members to submit their suggestions for priorities for savings in light of the overall financial outlook for the next three years to Mr Hill or Ms Honey as soon as possible.
(3) It was requested that a copy of the statutory functions for the Directorate be circulated to Members of the Committee. Mr Tilson pointed out that a number of services such as Community Wardens had a mixture of statutory and discretionary services so a simple split is not easy. Mr Tilson commented that discretionary services included the Wardens, Arts and Sports and therefore we are back to the well rehearsed arguments of these valued services being under the microscope once more. Even removing these three services in its entirety would save only £5m against the authority’s target of £110k over the two years 2013-15.
(4) It was suggested that once Locality Boards were established across the County there would be an opportunity for them to have a place based view of services.
(5) Ms Honey explained that there was a need to look at all services and assess how best to provide them within available resources.
(6) RESOLVED that the comments made on the pressures outlined for the Corporate Services portfolios and the update from the IMG on the Budget be noted.
(POST MEETING NOTE - In relation to paragraph (2) the Chairman emailed all Members of the Committee. No suggestions were received for savings in light of the overall financial outlook for the next three years.)
Customer and Communities POSC - IMG on the Budget - verbal report Additional documents: Minutes: It was noted that the update from the IMG on the Budget had been given as part of the consideration of the previous item.
Apprenticeship Strategy - update PDF 84 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Mr Gough referred Members to the paper which outlined the progress made with the Apprenticeship Strategy, a copy of the Strategy was circulated with the papers for the meeting and comments were invited.
(2) Mr Gough answered questions and noted comments from Members which included the following:-
(3) RESOLVED That the Apprenticeship Strategy and comments made by Members be noted.
Vulnerable Learner Apprenticeship Project Update PDF 159 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Ms Bett introduced a report which provided an overview of progress in the Vulnerable Learner Apprenticeship Project, which commenced in 2010. Ms Honey explained that, following the success of this project, it was intended to explore securing additional funding for a smaller scale project next year.
(2) Mr Gough expressed his thanks to his team for their work in creating 1200 jobs for young people.
(3) RESOLVED that the report be noted.
Update on progress with combining the Consultation, Communication and Engagement functions - verbal update Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that this item be deferred to the January meeting of the Committee.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that this item be deferred to the January meeting of the Committee.
Financial Monitoring 2011/12 PDF 73 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Mr Tilson presented a report which identified the latest forecasts for this year’s budget and explained the current position that the directorate was reporting.
(2) RESOLVED that the projected outturn figures for the directorate for 2011/12 based on the latest monitoring report to Cabinet be noted.
Select Committee - update PDF 147 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The Committee received an update report on the progress of the Select Committee on the Student Journey. Mr Kit Smith, Chairman of the Select Committee on the Student Journey presented an update on the Committees proposed areas of recommendation.
(2) The Chairman informed Members that the Scrutiny Boards on 2 November 2011 had agreed to establish a Select Committee on Domestic Abuse.
(3) RESOLVED that the draft areas for recommendation proposed by the Select Committee on the Student Journey, and the establishment of a Select Committee on Domestic Abuse be noted.
Margate Task Force progress report PDF 411 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (1) Ms Woodward presented a report on Margate Task Forces’ progress. She explained that policy and strategy work on Margate Task Force started in July 2009 as one of three key themes in Kent’s Total Place submission. The resultant scoping exercise highlighted the disproportionate public services demands and expenditure (£110 million per annum) in Kent’s two most deprived wards – Margate Central and Cliftonville West. An implementation model, primarily based on a ‘Task Force’ multi-agency team, was launched in September 2010. The report reviewed progress to date, challenges to delivery and priorities moving forward.
(2) Ms Woodward, Ms Honey and Ms Slaven answered questions and noted comments from Members which included the following:-